Becoming an Authorized ARMOR Builder - Builders & GC's
Authorized ARMOR Steel Builders — Are you...
- currently a construction trades contractor/ builder?
- have a great reputation and a high commitment to integrity?
- are ambitious and looking to expand or diversity your business?
- appreciate the value of industry leading hands-on training and support to become the top in the industry?
- want a leads generation and unparalleled support service by the best trained project management team in the pre-engineered steel building industry?
- are looking for the elusive, fertile ground for professional and corporate growth?
- Have you noticed the residential market plummeting?
If you have answered "Yes" to these questions, for a minimal investment, you may want to see if you qualify to join the "best of the best" and proudly earn the distinction of becoming an Authorized ARMOR Steel Builder.
Have you noticed all of the pre-engineered steel building construction in your area and ever wondered how you can capitalize on this boom? Have you ever wondered how you can professionally diversify to avoid being caught in the perpetual commercial-residential seesaw? Maybe it's time to grow in a new direction, by adding a new product line or whole new division to your current operation. Maybe it's time to serve your existing and future client base with the economic and structural strength of pre-engineered steel buildings. |
If you are invited to apply, are qualified and approved to become an Authorized ARMOR Builder, you will be joining an elite organization built on integrity...the one that your current and future customers will trust. In the building trades, honor, above all, is what leads to long-term profitability and satisfaction. It is a well known adage that it is a good name and hard-earned reputation that is the one intangible quality that makes or breaks any business in good times ...and especially in the lean years, when all others are falling by the wayside.
Learn more about ARMOR Master Builder Program
ARMOR Steel Buildings is solid and has unwavering principles based on absolute Biblical truths, which always work and always smooth out downturns in business cycles. Once we know that you also live by the Golden Rule and are ambitious, we will work as hard as you do for your success. Simply stated, there is no better partner, large or small, than ARMOR Steel Buildings, Inc. |
Steel Buildings, Inc.
"The Symbol of Strength, Integrity and Quality."
work to earn your confidence, before, during and long
after the sale.
200 S. Wilcox St. #328 Castle Rock, CO 80104
Corporate Office: 303-797-6555 Fax: 303-797-6980
If you are interested in learning more about becoming an ARMOR Builder call us Toll Free at 1-877-772-7667 Ext 203 or 139 or email us
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